ARM memory management (Chip S3C2440 with Core ARM920T)
128MB for every bank. Total 8 memory banks . Six memory banks for ROM, SRAM , etc. Remaining two memory banks for ROM, SRAM, SDRAM , etc . There are 7 banks with fixed start address . The size and start address of bank7 can change , while the size of bank6 is changeable (equal to the size of bank7) , but with fixed start address . The memory mapping is shown below: From picture above, we can see: Although S3C2440 is a 32-bit chip which theoretically means the chip can have a maximum memroy 4GB, but in fact it only has 1GB memory to use for data and code . A s for the remaining 3GB, some of which is used for special registers, and the others is not used (it is kind of waste, isn't it!) . The start address and size of bank7 is changeable , but the sizes of bank6 and bank7 have to keep the same . So the size of bank6 is also changeable , but with fix...