
[1]"A module can contain any combination of following: net/variable declarations(wire, reg, integer, etc.)concurrent and sequential statement blocks, and instances of other modules(subhierarchies)Sequential statements are placed inside a begin/end block and executed in sequential order within the block. But the blocks themselves are executed concurrently, qualifying Verilog as a data language."

[2]"There is no need to explicitly declare wires; any undeclared identifiers default to wires. Note: undeclared wires must by single bit."

"All continuous assignments are active concurrently."

"In Verilog we use procedural blocks to model edge-triggered behaviour."

"An always block can be used to describe both combinational and sequential hardwire."

"All blocks in the design execute concurrently."

[5] "assign声明只能用在组合逻辑电路(combinational logic)中,不能用在always block中,即时序逻辑电路中(sequential logic)。"

reg vs wire:

reg signals can be
  • connected to the input port of a module instance
  • used as outputs in a module declaration
  • assigned to in an always @ block using <= or =
  • assigned to in an intial block (later)
  • used to create registers in an always @ (posedge clk) block
  • used for both sequential and combinational logic
wire signals can be
  • used to connect inputs and outputs of module instances
  • used as inputs and outputs in module declaration
  • can be assigned to with an assign statement
  • used to model only combinational logic
reg signals cannot be
  • connected to the output ports of a module instance
  • used as inputs in a module declaration
  • used on the left side of an assign statement
wire signals cannot be
  • used on the left side of a <= or = assignment in an always block
  • used to model sequential logic

     always @ (posedge clk)
     两个clock状态,前一个clock的数据能保留到当前clock的原因就是因为in, q1, q2都是reg类型。

     [4]"Verilog里一般不声明输出类型的话  默认是wire型的如果你想在输出处寄存一下:比如使用always语句,则必须声明为reg类型。wire是线网,就是相当于实际中的连接线你想assign的话就是直接连接,就是用wire型,它的值是随时变化的。比如你想寄存一下,让他在时钟边沿才变化就需要reg类型了"

begin/end and fork/join

begin/end块内的语句都是顺序执行的,就像软件程序一样儿,当然要除去使用nonblocking "<="的情况。nonblocking的部分先同时计算"<="右边的部分,然后在遇到end的时候同时放到"<="左边的reg中。[6]


Blocking and Nonblocking

Nonblocking "<=" :

"<=" 右边所有的表达式先计算,直到所有的计算都完成后(遇到end from "begin/end"),才将右边所得的所有计算结果assign到左边的register中。
用在sequential logic中
实际上主要用于Flip-Flop circuit

Blocking "=":

"=" 计算完立即放入左边,每一个式子都是这样。
用在combinational logic中

Combinational logic(组合逻辑电路):

Sequential logic(时序逻辑电路):


[1] "Verilog Wikipedia",
[2] "2 - IntroVerilog Lecture", NTU embedded systems lectures
[3] "Blocking vs Nonblocking Assignments.pdf", in Dropbox
[4] "verilog变量reg和wire问题", 百度百科
[5] "Verilog中的assign以及always", 百度百科
[6] Procedual blocks: begin-end and fork-join


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